your coaching + our platform =

Built for womenpreneurs by womenpreneurs to host courses that people love to open, engage with & finish.

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raving students

meet havn

up-level your coaching biz

Nothing says real pro like a polished brand and a top notch client experience.  With Havn you can bring your clients & your content together all in one place. 

There's no longer 



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connect with clients &
host content all in one place

Am I the only one that gets a bit dizzy from having to log in to Kajabi to find content I bought & then having to jump on FB to ask questions and connect with community?

If only there was a better option.  

Oh wait, THERE IS!  Havn was designed specifically to keep your content and your community IN ONE PLACE!  You can now host your courses, PDF's, Audio files, blog posts and more in the SAME APP as your community. WOO HOO!

Say goodbye to multiple platforms, and say hello to beautiful, branded client experiences.



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create consistent income

Take your clients to the next level with exclusive content at multiple levels.  You can charge a monthly fee for them to opt-in which provides you with consistent revunue,  and gives them with a next-level experience. 

It's a win, WIN!



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nurture deeper relationships

Our app was specifically designed to keep members active and engaged. Which means higher retention for you!

Create a community in Havn just for your clients!  Go live to them, create bonus content exclusively for them, interact with their social posts.  Connecting with your coaching clients outside of your specific coaching times is how you go above & beyond, and create raving fans that tell other people about you and your services.


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up-sell bonus content

Everyone loves being an insider. Am I right?

Reward your most invested clients with access to your private community, bonus videos not available to the public, and other exclusive bonuses!

And did I mention you can charge for all of these extras?  More income means more freedom!


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