Business owners

Built for womenpreneurs by womenpreneurs to host courses that people love to open, engage with & finish.

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you don't have to rebuild

We remember building our audiences on FB pages and then boom the algorithm changed.  Now we are experiencing the same thing on Instagram with massive post suppression.  ESPECIALLY for posts about God, Christianity or a non-mainstream narrative.

Recently we heard from an author with over 30,000 followers on Instagram who's been getting an average of 13 likes on her photos.  13! Out of 30,000!  That's insane.  It is super sad and disappointing to see all your hard work suddenly losing impact and reach.

Have you experienced this?  On Havn, you can build an audience and reach every follower with your posts.  There's no algorithm to fight, and no dancing and air pointing to reach people who are supposed to be seeing your posts anyway.



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connect & collaborate with other business owners in our groups

Everyone loves being an insider.  Am I right?

Reward your most loyal listeners with access to your private community, secret episodes not available to the public, and other exclusive bonuses!



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Take your audience to the next level with a members-only area.  Charge a monthly fee for them to opt-in which provides you with consistent revunue and them with a next-level experience.  It's a win, WIN!



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access our free business conferences & trainings every month

Our app was specifically designed to keep members active and engaged. 

Go live to your audience, send push notifications straight to their phone, and connect them through community where they'll stay for more than just you!


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